Photos of South Africa / Western Cape

Green Point Park and Biodiversity Garden – Photographs

Updated Saturday, 22 December 2018

The Green Point Park and Biodiversity Garden is a wonderful, public area open seven days a week with free entry for all.  There are two entrances to the park; one off the fan walk (I followed the signs from the stadium) or otherwise opposite the Mouille Point lighthouse.

There is loads of open space for a picnic lunch or an impromptu game of cricket.

The biodiversity garden features over 300 local Cape plant species and is both educational and inspirational.  Separated into ‘People and Plants’, ‘Wetlands’ and ‘Discovering Biodiversity’, the different beds are planted according to vegetation and information boards indicate where in the city the vegetation can be found – most informative!

Green Point Park

The Green Point Park is a fantastic place to spend a few hours and what a privilege it is to have such a place open to the public.

Useful Green Point Links:

View the Green Point Park and Biodiversity Garden Photographs gal­lery:
